Content with notebooks

Content with notebooks#

You can also create content with Jupyter Notebooks. This means that you can include code blocks and their outputs in your book.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'./deeplearning.mplstyle')
np.set_printoptions(precision=2)  # reduced display precision on numpy arrays
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
File /opt/homebrew/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/style/, in use(style)
    136 try:
--> 137     style = _rc_params_in_file(style)
    138 except OSError as err:

File /opt/homebrew/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/, in _rc_params_in_file(fname, transform, fail_on_error)
    865 rc_temp = {}
--> 866 with _open_file_or_url(fname) as fd:
    867     try:

File /opt/homebrew/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/, in _GeneratorContextManager.__enter__(self)
    136 try:
--> 137     return next(self.gen)
    138 except StopIteration:

File /opt/homebrew/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/, in _open_file_or_url(fname)
    842 fname = os.path.expanduser(fname)
--> 843 with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as f:
    844     yield f

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './deeplearning.mplstyle'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 3
      1 import numpy as np
      2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
----> 3'./deeplearning.mplstyle')
      4 np.set_printoptions(precision=2)

File /opt/homebrew/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/style/, in use(style)
    137         style = _rc_params_in_file(style)
    138     except OSError as err:
--> 139         raise OSError(
    140             f"{style!r} is not a valid package style, path of style "
    141             f"file, URL of style file, or library style name (library "
    142             f"styles are listed in `style.available`)") from err
    143 filtered = {}
    144 for k in style:  # don't trigger RcParams.__getitem__('backend')

OSError: './deeplearning.mplstyle' is not a valid package style, path of style file, URL of style file, or library style name (library styles are listed in `style.available`)
X_train = np.array([[2104, 5, 1, 45], [1416, 3, 2, 40], [852, 2, 1, 35]])
y_train = np.array([460, 232, 178])
# data is stored in numpy array/matrix
print(f"X Shape: {X_train.shape}, X Type:{type(X_train)})")
print(f"y Shape: {y_train.shape}, y Type:{type(y_train)})")
X Shape: (3, 4), X Type:<class 'numpy.ndarray'>)
[[2104    5    1   45]
 [1416    3    2   40]
 [ 852    2    1   35]]
y Shape: (3,), y Type:<class 'numpy.ndarray'>)
[460 232 178]
def gradient_descent(X, y, w_in, b_in, cost_function, gradient_function, alpha, num_iters): 
    Performs batch gradient descent to learn w and b. Updates w and b by taking 
    num_iters gradient steps with learning rate alpha
      X (ndarray (m,n))   : Data, m examples with n features
      y (ndarray (m,))    : target values
      w_in (ndarray (n,)) : initial model parameters  
      b_in (scalar)       : initial model parameter
      cost_function       : function to compute cost
      gradient_function   : function to compute the gradient
      alpha (float)       : Learning rate
      num_iters (int)     : number of iterations to run gradient descent
      w (ndarray (n,)) : Updated values of parameters 
      b (scalar)       : Updated value of parameter 
    # An array to store cost J and w's at each iteration primarily for graphing later
    J_history = []
    w = copy.deepcopy(w_in)  #avoid modifying global w within function
    b = b_in
    for i in range(num_iters):

        # Calculate the gradient and update the parameters
        dj_db,dj_dw = gradient_function(X, y, w, b)   ##None

        # Update Parameters using w, b, alpha and gradient
        w = w - alpha * dj_dw               ##None
        b = b - alpha * dj_db               ##None
        # Save cost J at each iteration
        if i<100000:      # prevent resource exhaustion 
            J_history.append( cost_function(X, y, w, b))

        # Print cost every at intervals 10 times or as many iterations if < 10
        if i% math.ceil(num_iters / 10) == 0:
            print(f"Iteration {i:4d}: Cost {J_history[-1]:8.2f}   ")
    return w, b, J_history #return final w,b and J history for graphing
# initialize parameters
initial_w = np.zeros_like(w_init)
initial_b = 0.
# some gradient descent settings
iterations = 1000
alpha = 5.0e-7
# run gradient descent 
w_final, b_final, J_hist = gradient_descent(X_train, y_train, initial_w, initial_b,
                                                    compute_cost, compute_gradient, 
                                                    alpha, iterations)
print(f"b,w found by gradient descent: {b_final:0.2f},{w_final} ")
m,_ = X_train.shape
for i in range(m):
    print(f"prediction: {[i], w_final) + b_final:0.2f}, target value: {y_train[i]}")
# plot cost versus iteration  
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, constrained_layout=True, figsize=(12, 4))
ax2.plot(100 + np.arange(len(J_hist[100:])), J_hist[100:])
ax1.set_title("Cost vs. iteration");  ax2.set_title("Cost vs. iteration (tail)")
ax1.set_ylabel('Cost')             ;  ax2.set_ylabel('Cost') 
ax1.set_xlabel('iteration step')   ;  ax2.set_xlabel('iteration step')